May 2009
Gayle HOA Annual Meeting Minutes
3 May 2009
Meeting convened at Starbucks. Owners present: Laura Porto Stockwell, Michael O’Neill, Denali Van Ness, Will Lint, Meghan and Charley Traylor, Chris Kalinski., Holly Viola.
Review of 2008-2009 projects
- The roof was replaced.
- Roof deck issues- the current renter has “roof off limits” in her lease.
- Boiler issues- possibly more than in previous years. The boiler is inspected at least once a year. We haven’t been given any indication that the boiler needs replacing or major work. Items should not be stored too close to the boiler. Denali wrote up a boiler info sheet including general info, what trouble-shooting, inspection info, and emergency numbers. This will be posted in boiler room.
- Tenants- issues with, and eviction of. Current tenants seem to be responsible and cooperative.
- Bike storage- the storage room was cleared out and reorganized. The project continues.
- Smoking ban passed. Total Yes % based on ownership = 71.79%. The votes were as follows:
Yes | 101 | 102 | 104 | 106 | 202 | 203 | 301 | 302 | 303 |
No | 105 | ||||||||
Abstain | 103 | 2011 | 204 |
- Laurels in back of building trimmed shared expense with building next door.
- Security issues
- People in boiler room. This was believed to be related to evicted tenants.
- Door locks in building were all checked by Broadway Locksmith and found to be intact and appropriate.
- Abandoned car in alley has been towed away.
- Grafiti on side of building has largely disappeared (Kevin and Mike repainted several times)
- Dumping of non-collectable waste (electronics, furniture) by dumpsters seems to have become less common.
- Dumpster fires a recurring issue. Dumpster locks did not seem to hold
- Finances: Holly V. presented the projected amount of money in the HOA account for this time ($72,000) and the actual amount ($66,000). Projected amount for this time next year is $69,000. Discussion of redistributing the savings ie: not saving as much for a new roof, seeing that we replaced it this year.
Motions passed
- Chris K. made a motion to increase the HOA dues by %3 each year as of January 1st, 2010. The motion was seconded and a vote was held, and passed by every owner present at the meeting. The increase will be implemented 1/1/2010.
- HOA Board elections were held- new Board is
- Michael O’Neill, President;
- Holly Viola, Treasurer; and
- Meghan Traylor, Secretary
Unresolved issues
- The windows in unit 303 and 103 have significant deterioration and leaking issues. This needs to be a priority for this next year. An estimate for repair will be obtained.
New Issues
- The monthly check of the emergency lights used to be done by Easton Richmond. Since he is out of town, Chris K. offers to take over the duty.
- People seem to be adjusting the thermostat in the entry way, resulting in fluctuation of temperature. The heating bills averaged $1500/month. A sign or a lockbox can be placed over the thermostat.
- Discussion of changing light bulbs in common area- who’s responsibility? Extra bulbs in storage room. Change over to fluorescent?
Potential projects for the next year:
- Painting the interior of the building, common areas- Charley
- Slip-resistant paint for walkways- Chris
- Locksmith to fix door by the mailboxes –Meghan (fixed)
- Window issues in units 103 and 303- Chris and Mike
- Alley dumpster- Denali requested a new one (has arrived)
- Carpet cleaning-Charley
- Fire extinguisher inspection- Denali (has been completed)
- New fluorescent bulbs for common areas- Chris
- Keep a crescent wrench in storage room for gas shut-off- Chris
- Paint security bars black outside of unit 105-Holly
- Laundry room rules-Denali wrote rough draft, Holly to edit.
- Recycle old fluorescent bulb in laundry room- Chris (done)
- Look into hot water heater- leased? How much life left?
- Obtain a ladder to change outside lights-Chris?