2nd Misc Amendments to Declarations

4. Common Areas and Facilities

4.3 Installations of central services such as electricity, power, light, gas, hot and cold water, heating and incinerating, pipes and conduits wherever they may be located whether in partitions or otherwise, tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts and in general all apparatus and installations existing for common use.
4.3(a) Common electrical facilities end at the electrical meter connected to an individual unit, excepting the conduit bringing service from the electrical meter to the unit. Apartment owners are responsible for wiring within the conduit bringing service to the unit, and to all wiring within walls that service their unit.
4.3(b) Common hot and cold water facilities end at the point where dedicated service to their individual unit begins. Owners are responsible for hot and cold water pipes that exclusively service their unit, including all pipes within walls that service their unit
4.3(c) Common heating facilities include pipes bringing service to a unit, the valve connecting a radiator to the steam pipes, and the air vent attached to the radiator. Apartment owners are responsible for the condition of the actual radiator in a unit. Apartment owners may not replace the radiators without express written permission from the Board of Directors. If an Apartment owner disconnects all radiators in his unit and installs an alternative heating method, that unit may not, in the future, reconnect to the existing steam heating system.

5. Apartments

As provided in the Act, the boundary lines of an Apartment within The Gayle are the interior surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors thereof and the Apartment includes both the portions of the building so described and the air space so encompassed; in addition the Apartment shall include the outlet of any utility service lines such as water, sewage, gas or electricity and ventilating ducts within the Apartment but shall not include any ports of such lines or ducts themselves, which lines and ducts shall be common areas and facilities regardless of whether such lines or ducts shall run through air space encompassed by the Apartment or any portion within an Apartment, provided that such lines and ducts provide service to other units. The Apartment number of each Apartment, its location, approximate area, number of rooms and the immediate common area to which it has access are described in Exhibit A, the accompanying survey map and plans, all of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof as though there fully set forth.

15. Apartment Owner's Obligation to Maintain

15.4 Each Apartment owner must provide to the Board of Directors by 31 December 2015 a written letter from a licensed and bonded electrician that all knob and tube or aluminum wiring providing electrical service to his unit has been disconnected from all electrical outlets, lighting fixtures, appliances, etc. Apartment owners who can not provide such documentation will share the cost of any increases in Association insurance premiums that occur on or after 1 January 2016 because of the existence of knob and tube or aluminum wiring in the building. If a fire is caused by electrical failures related to knob and tube or aluminum wiring in a unit, this will represent a failure of the Apartment owner's obligation to maintain per section 15.3 of the Declarations.

15.5 No Apartment owner may replace the flooring in his unit without obtaining the express written permission of the Board of Directors. The installation of new flooring must include the installation of sound insulating materials that will reduce the tranmission of noise to the apartment below, and must meet the specifications of the Board of Directors. If an Apartment owner fails to install sound reducing materials, or installs materials that do not meet the specifications required by the Board of Directors, this will represent a failure of the Apartment owner's obligation to maintain per section 15.3 of the Declarations. The Apartment owner will be required to re-install new flooring with sound proofing materials that meet the requirements of the Board of Directors. If the Apartment owner refuses to re-install new flooring, he will be required to pay for the soundproofing of the unit below his. The Board of Directors may choose to exempt units with no downstairs neighbors from this requirement.

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