I, ______________________________, the owner of Apartment __________ in the Gayle Condominium Association, request to receive all official, legal notice and other communications from the Gayle Condominium Association electronically at the email address listed below:
- ____________________________________________________________________.
Your signature below indicates that you agree to accept Gayle HOA notices and information electronically rather than hard copy, that you will consider all such communication to be adequate notice of Association issues, and that it is your responsibility to inform the Association of any change in your email address within five business days if ever it should change.
Pursuant to RCW 24.03.009, if the Gayle Condominium Association is unable to electronically transmit two consecutive notices and this inability becomes known to the Board of Directors or Manager, you are implicitly revoking your consent to receive electronic notice. Your signature below indicates that you acknowledge that the inadvertent failure by the Association to reach you does not invalidate any meeting or other action.
Your signature below indicates that, if at any time in the future, you choose to scan documents bearing your signature and submit them electronically to the Gayle Condominium Association, that said electronically submitted documents are legally identical to hard copies.
The Association may send official communications via email addresses at the 516ethomas.info domain, but those emails may be sent "on behalf of" another email address. Such emails are sometimes caught by overaggressive spam filters unless. Your signature below indicates that you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to make sure that electronic communications sent to you from any email address with the domain "516ethomas.info" will be received, and not intercepted by a spam filter.
For privacy purposes, you may receive email from the Association via distribution lists (ofni.samohte615|s001_srenwo#ofni.samohte615|s001_srenwo, ofni.samohte615|s002_srenwo#ofni.samohte615|s002_srenwo, ofni.samohte615|s003_srenwo#ofni.samohte615|s003_srenwo, and ofni.samohte615|stnanet#ofni.samohte615|stnanet), rather than directly to your email address. Your signature below indicates that you agree that it is your responsibility to configure your electronic mail clients so that such communications are not intercepted by a spam filter,
This agreement can be rescinded by written request at any time.
SIGNATURE: _____________________________________
DATE: ________________________
This form must be filled out, signed, and sent via regular mail to the Association Secretary to be valid. If you do not know the Association Secretary's address, please send an email to ofni.samohte615|aoh#ofni.samohte615|aoh.