1. After the vote is recorded, the President and Secretary must sign two copies of the amendments in front of a notary public.
2. Take the signed copies to the King County Recorder's office on the 3rd floor of 500 Fourth Avenue in Downtown Seattle.
3. Go to the Recorder's office and turn into the first office area on your left labeled "Record a Document." Don't get in line. Find the cover sheets along the wall to your right.
4. Fill out the cover sheet, including the following information:
Legal description of the property (abbreviated): Lot 7, Block 46 Suppl. Plat of Pontius 2nd Add., Volume 5, page 76.
Tax parcel: 272380
Recording Number: 780-309-0539
5. Head down the hall to the "Retrieve a Document" area and talk to the person behind the desk to your right: it should be a fellow named Walter.
6. Walter will take one notarized copy of the Amendments for the County, and will stamp the second copy for the HOA's records. Please note that Walter may ask you to get the document initialed by the Assessor's office on the 7th floor. You don't need to do this: make sure Walter understands these are Bylaws amendments, not Declarations amendments.
7. Pay Walter (it will cost more than $60).
You're done.